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Eta Sigma Gamma

Online National Case Study Competition in Health Education®

  • 03/19/2024

Every year, NCSCHE® brings together student teams from leading universities to compete in solving a real-life challenge. Three weeks prior to the competition, students and their advisor will be emailed a community-based public health education case. Students work independently to develop a resolution to the issue and a presentation for a panel of judges. Teams will have free reign to address the issue as they see fit, but generally they will have to show competence in the NCHEC Core Competencies for a Health Education Specialist. Students present to a panel of judges, given approximately 15 minutes to present, and then 10 minutes for questions from the panel.

Register for the for the competition here
Registration closes (February 16, 2024)
Case and materials e-mailed to participating schools (February, 26-27, 2024)
Onsite portion at the Hyatt at the Arch in St. Louis, MO (March 18, 2024)
Online portion of competition (March 19, 2024) 

If you have questions about the competition, contact Karl Larson, NCSCHE Executive Director, at

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  • Online National Case Study Competition in Health Education®

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