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Eta Sigma Gamma

Chapter Activity Resources

The pillars of Eta Sigma Gamma include: Teaching, Research, Service and Advocacy.  Chapters engage in activities throughout the year within these areas and can be recognized for their efforts by the Activity of the Year and Chapter Awards.  

When planning an activity with your chapter, we recommend using the Event Planning Template to ensure that you have all of the information you need for a successful event and the Activity Award application at the end of the school year.

Pictured: Gamma Eta, University of Cincinnati


Teaching activities are any planned event, program, campaign, etc. that has the intention to influence knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.  Examples of teaching activities could include:

  • Panel discussions on specific health topics such as Healthy Eating on Budget, sexual health, COVID or other emerging diseases, etc.
  • Social marketing campaigns.
  • Health and wellness workshops for k-12 or college students.
  • Hosting a health fair.


Service activities could include any type of effort that works to improve the lives of others without financial gain for the organization.  Examples of service activities could include:

  • Fundraisers for victims of natural disasters.
  • Volunteering at a local non-profit organization or health event.
  • Collecting items to donate to local organizations such as non-perishable food, clothing, school supplies, diapers, personal and feminine hygiene products, etc. 


Research activities include efforts that seek to collect and analyze information to better understand population needs, risks, behaviors, etc., as well as determine the effectiveness of an intervention. Examples of research activities could include: 

  • Evaluation of a teaching activity, such as conducting a pre-post test
    and analyzing the results.
  • Designing and/or conducting a needs assessment with a local organization or campus department.
  • Surveying students on attitudes towards and engagement in healthy behaviors.
  • Facilitating focus groups with community members about a health need or opportunity.


Advocacy activities include any efforts to influence change within the community.  This could include, but is not limited to, changes in policies and procedures, funding for evidence-based programs, or attitudes of decision makers. Examples of advocacy activities could include:

  • Participating in a local, state, or national advocacy or lobby day focused on a health topic or need.
  • Speaking at a city council meeting about the need for smoke-free parks and other public spaces.
  • Visiting or calling elected officials to express concern for a particular health problem and recommending action steps to improve the situation.

Chapter Activity Repository 

To submit your chapter's activities to be featured in the repository, please fill out this form and email it to the National Office: ESG activity repository form.docx 

The purpose of this form is to share your chapter’s successful activities or programs with other ESG chapters. This form will be added to a repository of activity ideas below. The hope is that building a repository of activities and programs will allow all chapters to get new ideas and replicate outstanding projects.

As forms are submitted, they will be posted below. Check back for updates.

Chapter Activity Support 

The National ESG Office provides a small number of project grants to local ESG chapters annually. These grants are to support the implementation of an activity which addresses one or more of the four pillars of ESG. 

For more information on these project grants and how to apply: Project Grants

Eta Sigma Gamma National Office ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

Address: PO Box 3919, Muncie, IN 47307

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